New book coming
The 40 Holy Scriptures
Expect to be released in 2024
An excerpt from the book...
A message to humanity.
By Kim Limkilde-Welcher
You all have masks. Not just one, but far more than you can imagine.
You confuse the masks with your identity, or provisional identity, and sometimes you think that you can take them off as needed, but often you keep them as your identity, as you are afraid to take them off completely.
Masks may be necessary in the world you live in in order to survive at all in a world filled with horror and injustice.
A world without love requires masks, but masks not only protect against horror, they also protect against love.
The masks will be taken off you the day you die, but how we wish you learned to take them off before your bodies become useless to your soul.
What are your masks?
Your masks are, of course, what you tell yourselves and others about who you are and what you are.
The professional mask.
You are a schoolteacher, priest, craftsman, academics, soldiers, police, doctors, unemployed, disabled pensioners. Executives, self-employed, students, or retirees.
But these are just your immediate masks that serve only one purpose, which is to show where in the hiecracy you would like others to view you, and where in the hiecracy you experience yourself, and where you place others in relation to your own self-image.
These are masks that are relatively easy to take off if you are aware that you are all wearing them.
There are other masks that you find you have to put on. It may be when you have to perform tasks that you don't really like. It may be in connection with the formation of your children, when you are confronted by situations where you find that you have to take care or keep your masks for emotional reasons, and that you therefore have to say no to your children, even if it may hurt you.
It can also be when you need to perform certain types of tasks. A soldier going to war has to put on his soldier's mask in order to survive at all, in the horrors that the soldier experiences and that the soldier himself must and must perform. If the soldier does not wear his mask, it will be impossible to perform this task.
Similarly, there are many other professions where you have to wear your mask.
A social worker who has to perform a task that may seem harsh and unfair can be emotionally damaged if the mask is not worn. Here the social worker must obey laws, and duties laid down by your governments, - Common sense, love, and understanding towards a fellow human being, are completely disregarded. Likewise, there are countless other professions where common sense is disregarded in relation to orders issued by anyone other than oneself.
Politicians, too, are victims of these masks. The politician must help set laws, and rules, for how the people of the country should behave and live life. It never happens that individual politicians get their way. Compromises and agreements must be made in a democracy before laws and guidelines for the country are realized.
The individual politician must therefore, in addition to the masks that the politician has in relation to the policy the individual considers best for the country, also put on several masks in order to accept the settlements to be made.
Being politicians is very much a game where many masks need to be able to be changed quickly. Only the compromises that individual politicians must make in order to be elected at all in their own constituency, or group can be many, in addition, the extent of changing masks in relation to the work that must be done when they are elected to the municipal council, or
government, is also manifold.
Many people forget, or may not even realize, that they are putting on these very distinctive masks, which is why they do not take them off when they are free or have finished their professional chores.
The personal mask.
The personal mask is all the reflections you have about yourself.
I am a good person, I am a bad person, I am a beautiful person, I am an ugly person, I am a wise person, I am a stupid person, I am an old person, I am a young person, I am a believing person, I am a scientific person, and all the other dualistic forms that you can think of yourself.
Taking off these masks can be much more difficult, since they are masks that you may have spent a lifetime building, or that others have drawn for you, through the formation of you as a human being. The social heritage, as well as the people and circumstances of life that you have met.
The holy mask.
*The Mask of love.
The sacred mask is your worldview, and the foundation of your understanding of life.
Not many people know about this mask, and taking it off will be an extremely difficult, if impossible, task to solve if you are not aware of its existence, complete confidence that all is well and that a greater consciousness is ready to receive you with unconditional love and mercy.
Here it is a question of putting off the most beautiful mask that you can possibly imagine, namely the mask of love, and the meaning it has for your life, and for them, and what you love the most.
*Note. Matthew 19:24: It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.